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  1. SDClowen

    RSBot v2.2 has been released!

    ## What's Changed * Fix auto potion usings on protection plugin by @SDClowen in Fix auto potion usings on protection plugin by SDClowen · Pull Request #374 · SDClowen/RSBot * Fix unsupported dpi aware. Use 100% scale for the bot. At least it's … by @SDClowen in Fix unsupported dpi aware. Use...
  2. SDClowen

    RSBot v2.1 has been released!

    New RSBot v2.1 has been released! Change Log Optimized profile system, added feature profile-pargs by @SDClowen in #360 Move on ui map by @SDClowen in #362 [FIX] The scriptmanager was skipping the selected nearby point by @SDClowen in #363 Improved right click, add fellow pet inventory by...
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