Kurulum bu adresten SQL Server 2022 indirin ve kurun. bu adresten SQL Server Management Studio indirin ve kurun.
SQL Server Management Studio açın Logins bölümünden sa bulup sağ tıklayıp Properties tıklayın General bölümünden Password ve Confirm password bölümüne 123456 yazın Status bölümünden Logini Enabled yapıp OK tuşuna basın. Object Explorerın en üstündekine sağ tıklayın Properties Security bölümünden SQL server and Windows authentication mode işaretleyin. ve sağ tıklayıp Restart.
Open srohelp, type your SQL connection information and IP address starting with 192, then click Install Clean Database after database operations and finally Apply Changes. Open IPInput from the srostart menu and write this IP address in the Division URL section and click OK.
Open EvaTools Create Account username: sro_gm password: 123456 and create then edit accounts username: sro Click Edit Change it to Primary and Content Group 1 and click Save.
Open srostart and click Start. When SMC opens, go to Server Control and right click Start All Service.
For Webmall installation, open the xampp setup file from the Web folder and complete the installation, then run the C:\xampp\apache\apache_installservice.bat file as an administrator. Copy the xampp folder in the web folder to C and update the information in the _setmydb\config.php file. Open media type.txt and change WebMallAddr to ip address/Webmall/gameMallGate.php. Enable httpd startup in srostarter.
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