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vSRO Paylaşım [Release] VSROProxy v1 | HWID | FREE FOREVER BY vietnguyen09


Vsro Developer Pk2 Editor
21 Mar 2019
Tepkime puanı
en tu cora bb
Türk Lirası
Hi everyone,

I just want to contribute something to this community. I'm getting help a lot in this section and now I want to help others by this release.

You can download from the attached file, or go to my public project binary file on Github. If you found bugs, you can reply here or create a pull request at github. If my work help you at some points, it will be OK if you want to buy me a coffee!.

Note: Please install .NET framework 4.7.2 to make filter works perfectly






  1. Adding notice custom minutes before job lock duration.
    • Before lock notification with N minutes can change in settings
    • Starting when trade is locked
    • Ending trade lock notify
  2. Char lock improvement
    • Adding char lock will working even player sign out
    • Fixing buy F10 item can't close mall window while char is locked.
    • Adding moving will not allow while char is locked
  3. Adding HWID ban and HWID banned list + unban context menu strip.
  4. Fixing math event operator not show sometime.
  5. Fixing fellow summoned detection
  6. Code improvement & optimization...

VERSION (30/7/2020)
  1. - Fix laggy when start form and performance improve.
  2. - Add notice custom minutes before job lock duration.

VERSION (26/7/2020)

- This list of bugs is almost from Sandy discovered, thanks to him
- Fix bug job sometimes player can't equip job flag
- Fix Job Mode PC Limit more stable and fit with player wish
- Fix IP limit is not work in some cases
- Fix PET2 allow or not while job mode bugged (can't wear job even only spawn pick pet)
- Fix NetCafe IP bug when allowing all HWID limit without only allow IP limit.
- Fix characters under job never receive silk from hunting Uniques
- Fix restart button on the filter window, if press no it opens another filter
- Fix unique auto event is not working (allow main filter IP bypass HWID check to make it work)
- Fix some computers can't log in and get the message "can't connect virtual machine"
- Fix char in JOB mode still can move with goods in transpet's inventory during the job lock duration.
- Add new confirmation box when exit/close/restart filter (the wrong click prevented)
- Add new information about application resource consumption (CPU/RAM/Threads)
- Add a new option to disable/enable allow bypass HWID when client IP equals to server IP (make clientless can login for events which are using clientless such as Unique Event). Navigate Mics - Sec tab, you will see this.


- Change silk/hour notice from red to blue (avoid chat box spam)

VERSION (23/7/2020)
- Fix bugs bypass job block duration (player still can move during blocking time! Thanks QuangDang)
- Fix job limit is not working
- Fix reverse to the point under job mode (Thanks Sandy)
- Fix get last Get_LastOrderID error causing Silk/h can't work

VERSION 1.0.0 (21/7/2020)
- Fix config reader engine sometime error (make sure you have every text box on proxy have correct value, not empty)
- Fix start button on launcher not show
- Fix bugs in Silk/hour duplicate for chars have similar name (thanks @CloudStrife^ for discovered this bug)
- New and better CTF, BA and Job hwid limit check method
- New and better HWID dll for PC limit
- New feature job limit by time (eg: Player can't buy goods from 0 AM -> 8 AM)
- New feature max devil's plus
- And so much more code improvements I actually can't remember...

Source is not packed, feel free to check it.

The credits are not mine, I only share them with the community, Credit By : vietnguyen09

please help support this project ----buy me a coffee-----
Sağdaki menüyü sola alınca yeni bi meni gibi mi oluyor 😅 bunuda kaldırmazlarsa diğer sitede bu guard ile açan svlere Bakacam tek tek yabancılara 😂
11 senelik hesabımı banladılar hamzafigonun yalanları üzerine Sinir oldum 😁
I do not understand your publication, if you can be more specific
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